Boole Lectures in Philosophy

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talkScientific


Boole Lectures in Philosophy will be delivered by Seunghyun Song (Tilburg University) tomorrow, Tuesday, November 19th, from 14:00 to 16:00, in Áine Hyland Room (The Hub)

Title: Ode to my exes
Abstract: Much of the linguistic justice debate has been focused on linguistic rights and duties of, say, citizens, which translated into specific language policies that may be adopted by the state. Much of this debate, therefore, is focused on what should be done to achieve a just public sphere in the condition of linguistic diversity. There is a considerable lack in the literature regarding ethics in multilingual contexts, especially in the private sphere. To fill this gap, this paper argues that individuals have linguistic responsibilities in the private sphere. First, I map out two types of linguistic isolation, non-intimate and intimate, in order to illustrate that they both have interactive and structural dimensions. Then, I argue that individuals who participate in the context of linguistic isolation have a responsibility, both special and political. In short, I map out linguistic responsibilities that individuals have in the private context, especially to those who are linguistically isolated, who are also those with whom they hold special relations, i.e., family, friends, partners, etc.
Keywords: linguistic isolation; language interest; responsibility; private sphere

Period19 Nov 2024
Held atUniversity College Cork, Ireland
Degree of RecognitionNational