Ethnometodology and Conversation Analysis for Racial Justice - emca4rj

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talkPopular


    Invited speech held at the "Roundtable: Institutional Racism, Universities and Language" organized by ACT - Antiracist Campus Tilburg

    Summary: What is "Ethnometodology and Conversation Analysis for Racial Justice"? How do we detect and analyze tacit and overt racism in social interaction? The present talk tries to summaries the rationale behind the creation of the @emca4rj group of students and scholars, and preliminary findings regarding how people deal with race and racism in spontaneous social interactions.
    Period21 Jan 2021
    Held atACT Antiracist Campus Tilburg, Netherlands
    Degree of RecognitionInternational


    • Racism
    • Ethnomethodology
    • Conversation Analysis
    • Research Ethics and Practices