Inclusive HRM and employment security for disabled people: An interdisciplinary approach

Activity: Talk or presentation typesOral presentationScientific


Almost every country struggles with non-participation of vulnerable groups. Countries give priority to Active Labour Market Policies (ALMP) to help and get unemployed and disabled people back to work, preferably in regular employment. In recent years, some innovative polices have tried to involve employers. In the Netherlands, the Participation Act came into force on 1st, 2015. Dutch government, employers’ organizations and trade unions committed themselves in the “Guaranteed job agreement” to create 125,000 jobs for disabled people. A Quota can be activated if employers do not create the agreed number of jobs. There seems to be a paradox between desired social policy outcomes (getting people out of social security into regular jobs) and preferred Strategic HRM outcomes (such as being a highly productive, cost-efficient and flexible). In this presentation/paper, we combine insights from Social Policy and HRM literature and discuss several factors that play a role in the process of (not) offering jobs to disabled people. We gathered data among employers (interviews and focus groups) in different stages of the decision making process of hiring disabled people. We conclude that different HR perspectives (focus on economic rationality, wellbeing, social legitimacy) will lead to different hiring strategies. These insights from HRM research have clear implications for policy interventions, which will be discussed.
Period11 Nov 201612 Nov 2016
Event titleThe Future of Work: A Matter of Sustainability
Event typeConference
LocationBergamo, ItalyShow on map


  • Disability
  • Inclusief HR
  • Inclusive HRM
  • Active labour market policies
  • Social Security