On December 3, Dr. Jordi Fairhurst (Universitat de les Illes Balears) and Dr. Seunghyun Song are co-organizing a workshop titled 'Language, Knowledge and Deep Disagreement', which tackles the intersections of linguistic justice, epistemic injustice and deep disagreement (location and schedule attached below, see also the flyer attached below). There is no registration necessary, but we do have four pre-circulated papers, so if you would like to attend, please send me ([email protected]) an email so that I can send you the pre-circulated papers for youLocation: Room D 152a, Dante Building (Online zoom link for the workshop:
10.00: Welcome Coffee
10.20-11.10: Mercedes Corredor (Virginia Tech Philosophy) – ‘Transitional Moral Contexts’
11.10-12.00: Abraham Tobi (University of Montreal) – ‘Deep Disagreement and Epistemic Oppression’
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-13.50: Noah Betz-Richman (Columbia University) – ‘Sociolinguistic Diversity and Structural Linguistic Injustice’
13.50-14.30: Seunghyun Song (Tilburg University) & Jordi Fairhurst Chilton (Universitat de les Illes Balears) – ‘Deep Disagreements and Linguistic Injustice’
14.30-15.20: Xintong Wei (University College Dublin) – ‘Injustice-Based Deep Disagreement and Public Reason’
15.20-15.50: Break
15.50-16.30: Hugo Ribeiro Mota (University of Oslo) – ‘Towards a Reconceptualization of Deep Disagreement’ 16.30-17.20: Victoria Lavorerio (Universidad de la República) – ‘Resisting Self-Estrangement: Deep Disagreements and Epistemologies of Ignorance’
17.20-18.10: Micol Bez (Northwestern University) and Katie Ebner-Landy (Harvard University) – ‘Hermeneutical Injustice and Strategic Thinking in the New Sex Wars’
Period | 3 Dec 2024 |
Event type | Conference |
Location | Tilburg, NetherlandsShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | International |