Fellow, Platform on International Energy GovernanceThe Platform The Platform brings together world leading universities and research centres active in the field of international energy law and policy. It aims to serve as a network of excellence that fosters the conduct of research in unexplored areas of international energy governance. The objectives of the Platform are to: Foster research in international energy law and policy: the Platform aims to become a network of excellence that attracts academics, including doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, interested in pursuing state of the art research on international energy governance. It seeks to create synergies between the different research projects undertaken by the members of the network with the view to fostering collaborations between them. A workshop, organised by the members of the Platform on a rotating basis, will be held annually to promote the exchange of ideas and encourage debates over topical and pressing issues of international energy governance. The publication, and dissemination, of research outputs will be encouraged by the creation of a joint working paper series. Promote exchanges: in addition to encouraging cooperation between the member institutions, the Platform seeks to provide a base for external academic visitors and practitioners at different stages of their careers interested in visiting the member institutions to take advantage of their expertise and activities in the field of energy governance. Facilitate data sharing: international energy law derives from a multiplicity of sources, including national, bilateral, regional, international and transnational agreements. This wealth of documents has a rich research potential but accessing and classifying them can be complex and time-consuming. The Platform will strive to make a number of these documents more readily available to researchers. Advance education, by promoting the design of new courses in the field of international energy governance in leading universities; and by encouraging members to collaborate in the organisation of short courses, in Europe and world-wide, as well as in the design of online lectures.
Period | 2016 → … |
Held at | Platform on International Energy Governance, United Kingdom |