Drawing from Bucholts (2000) statement that all transcripts take sides, favoring a specificspeaker, the present paper seeks to give voice to the dialectal speakers without imposing on
them the stereotyping (Jefferson, 1996) or “stigma” that often characterizes the transcription
of vernacular varieties.
In order to remain true to the speakers, to update and represent modern ways of writing
Romanesco (which has not produced a recognizable set of literary production during the last
century), a corpus of linguistic data is being collected from Social Media (like Facebook and
Twitter), whose main vehicular language is Romanesco. In addition, new wave poets collectives,
“Poeti der Trullo”, “Poesie in Romanesco” and the like, who are very popular online
and offline, and who are publishing both online and on paper, are being taken into account.
The outcome of this analysis will help Conversation Analysts, who deal with dialectal varieties
and code switching, to go beyond negative stereotyping and give true voice to the participants
in their corpora of spontaneous interactions.
Period | 4 Feb 2017 |
Event title | De Grote Taaldag 2017: AVT TIN-dag en ANéLA TTiN-dag |
Event type | Conference |