Category characteristics for IRI Marketing Science Dataset used in: How well does consumer-based brand equity align with sales-based brand equity and marketing-mix response?, Journal of Marketing (2017)

  • Hannes Datta (Creator)
  • Kusum Ailawadi (Creator)
  • Harald J. Van Heerde (Creator)



Category characteristics survey for the IRI Marketing Science dataset (Bronnenberg, Kruger, and Mela 2008), collected by Datta, Ailawadi, and Van Heerde (2017) on Amazon Mechanical Turk (May 2016) to measure the following category characteristics: (1) Hedonic nature of category, (2) Functional / performance risk of category, (3) Social value / social demonstrance of category, (4) Category involvement, (5) Utilitarian nature of category. For details on data collection and constructs, see codebook (PDF/docx).
Date made available2 May 2018
Date of data production19 May 2016

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