Replication data for: Combatting forest fires in the drylands of Sub-Saharan Africa: Quasi-experimental evidence from Burkina Faso

  • Tung Nguyen Huy (Creator)
  • Guigonan Serge Adjognon (Creator)
  • Daan van Soest (Creator)



The code in this replication package provides the intermediate data files and the codes to rereplicate the analysis in the paper and the Online Appendix. The package was mainly written and tested in STATA 17.0, but also contains a small section based on R 4.3.2. To run the replication package, one should first adjust the global parameters in the "" file and run this file -- see the instruction to replications at the end of the ReadMe. This will then call all the other do-files that generate the results. The package may take multiple days to run depending on the specification of the system. For the authors, the package ran for 2 to 3 days on a computer with 12 CPU cores (24 threads) and 512 GB RAM.
Date made available17 Dec 2024

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