Projects per year
- 350 - 400 out of 435 results
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Understanding conditions under which loyalty programs work
Melnyk, V. (Principal Investigator) & Steenkamp, J. E. B. M. (Tutor)
1/09/01 → 1/09/05
Project: Research project
The dynamics of making international acquisitions
Nadolska, A. M. (Researcher) & Barkema, H. G. (Tutor)
1/09/01 → 1/09/05
Project: Research project
Combinatorics and games
Norde, H. (Tutor), Hamers, H. (Tutor) & van Velzen, S. (Principal Investigator)
1/09/01 → 1/09/05
Project: Research project
New approaches to derivatives management
Werker, B. (Tutor), Boes, M. J. (Principal Investigator), Nijman, T. (Tutor) & Drost, F. C. (Tutor)
1/09/01 → 1/09/05
Project: Research project
The value relevance of dirty surplus flows in the EU
van Lent, L. A. G. M. (Tutor) & Wang, Y. (Principal Investigator)
1/09/01 → 1/09/05
Project: Research project
Modelling of and empirical studies on portfolio choice, option pricing and credit risk
Polbennikov, S. Y. (Researcher) & Melenberg, B. (Principal Investigator)
1/08/01 → 1/08/05
Project: Research project
Climate change policy and endogenous technological change
van der Werf, E. H. (Researcher) & Smulders, S. (Tutor)
1/08/01 → 1/08/05
Project: Research project
Monetary policy under uncertainty
Tesfaselassie, M. F. (Researcher) & Eijffinger, S. (Tutor)
1/08/01 → 1/08/05
Project: Research project
The social embeddedness of economic outcomes: Application to ethnic inequality and knowledge-based economy
Kahanec, M. (Researcher), Smulders, S. (Tutor) & van Ours, J. C. (Tutor)
1/08/01 → 1/08/05
Project: Research project
Essays on institutional change to a monetary union
Korpos, A. (Researcher), Cukierman, A. (Tutor) & Eijffinger, S. (Tutor)
1/08/01 → 1/08/05
Project: Research project
Antitrust enforcement
Motchenkova, E. (Researcher), van Damme, E. (Tutor) & Kort, P. (Tutor)
1/08/01 → 1/08/05
Project: Research project
Decision making under uncertainty: Solving stochastic optimization problems and equilibrium models via simulation
Gurkan, G. (Principal Investigator), Ozdemir, O. (Researcher) & Listes, O. L. (Researcher)
1/03/01 → 1/03/07
Project: Research project
Biodiversity and economics for conservation
Bulte, E. H. (Principal Investigator), Bargiacchi, R. (Researcher), van Soest, D. (Researcher) & Vyrastekova, J. (Researcher)
1/02/01 → 1/02/04
Project: Research project
Real options approach to internationalization process
Piaskowska, D. A. (Researcher), Barkema, H. G. (Tutor) & Noorderhaven, N. (Tutor)
1/02/01 → 1/02/05
Project: Research project
The formation and performance of strategic alliances
Cunha, P. A. M. F. V. (Researcher) & Hennart, J. (Tutor)
1/01/01 → 1/01/05
Project: Research project
Economic effects of rejuvenation of populations
Lammers, J. (Researcher), Meijdam, L. (Tutor) & Verbon, H. (Tutor)
1/01/01 → 1/05/08
Project: Research project
Regulatory reform and transition economies
Ju, Y. (Principal Investigator) & Ruys, P. (Tutor)
1/01/01 → 1/01/05
Project: Research project
Financial crises
Goderis, B. V. G. (Principal Investigator) & Eijffinger, S. (Tutor)
1/01/01 → 1/01/05
Project: Research project
The effects of positive emotions and regulatory focus on consumer behavior
Pieters, R. (Tutor), Zeelenberg, M. (Tutor) & Louro, M. J. S. (AIO)
1/01/01 → 1/01/05
Project: Research project
Safe protocols for electronic commerce
Artyshchev, S. A. (Principal Investigator) & Papazoglou, M. (Tutor)
1/12/00 → 1/12/04
Project: Research project
The role of trust in the process of inter-organizational learning
Janowicz, M. (Researcher), Barkema, H. G. (Tutor) & Hennart, J.-F. (Tutor)
1/09/00 → 1/09/04
Project: Research project
Studies on entry modes
Slangen, A. H. L. (Researcher), Barkema, H. G. (Tutor) & Hennart, J.-F. (Tutor)
1/09/00 → 1/09/04
Project: Research project
Ownership structure as a mechanism of corporate governance: A game theoretical exploration and cross-country empirical testing
Trojanowski, G. (Researcher), Veld, C. H. (Tutor) & Renneboog, L. (Tutor)
1/09/00 → 1/09/04
Project: Research project
Essays on inequality redistribution and economic growth
Haile, D. T. (Researcher), Verbon, H. (Tutor) & Meijdam, L. (Tutor)
1/08/00 → 1/08/05
Project: Research project
Mixed methods in computational finance
Berridge, S. J. (Researcher) & Schumacher, J. M. (Tutor)
15/04/00 → 15/04/04
Project: Research project
Repeated audit controls
van der Genugten, B. (Tutor), Moors, J. J. A. (Tutor) & Raats, V. M. (Researcher)
1/02/00 → 1/02/04
Project: Research project
The analysis of international capital markets: Understanding Europe's role in the global economy
Huizinga, H. (Principal Investigator), Governatori, M. (Researcher) & Jouan de Kervenoael, C. (Researcher)
1/02/00 → 1/02/05
Project: Research project
Executive demography, social processes and organizational learning
Chvyrkov, O. (Researcher), Barkema, H. G. (Tutor) & Douma, S. W. (Tutor)
1/02/00 → 1/02/04
Project: Research project
The relation between culture and economics
Beugelsdijk, S. (Researcher), Barkema, H. G. (Tutor) & Noorderhaven, N. (Tutor)
1/01/00 → 1/01/04
Project: Research project
Agent-based contract management enterprises
Papazoglou, M. (Principal Investigator), Weigand, H. (Principal Investigator) & Xu, L. (AIO)
1/12/99 → 1/12/03
Project: Research project
Essays on interest rate setting and on international risk sharing
Wagner, W. B. (Researcher) & Eijffinger, S. (Tutor)
1/10/99 → 1/10/02
Project: Research project
Asset pricing and inflation risk
van den Goorbergh, R. W. J. (Researcher), Werker, B. (Tutor) & de Roon, F. (Tutor)
1/09/99 → 1/09/03
Project: Research project
Product counterfeiting in developing countries: A pro-poor business?
van Kempen, L. A. C. M. (Researcher)
1/09/99 → 1/09/03
Project: Research project
An empirical analysis of trading intensity and information dissemination
Nijman, T. (Tutor) & Spierdijk, L. (Researcher)
1/09/99 → 1/09/03
Project: Research project
The influence of loyalty cards on customer lifetime value
Leenheer, J. (Researcher) & Bijmolt, T. H. A. (Tutor)
1/09/99 → 1/09/03
Project: Research project
Essays on finance and growth
Zhu, D. (Researcher), van Gemert, H. G. (Tutor) & van Schaik, T. (Tutor)
1/09/99 → 1/09/03
Project: Research project
Foreign entry mode choice
Matejka, R. (Researcher) & Douma, S. W. (Tutor)
1/09/99 → 1/09/03
Project: Research project
Existence and computation of equilibria in endogenous market formation with learning
Thijssen, J. J. J. (Researcher), Prat, A. (Tutor), Talman, A. J. J. (Tutor) & Kort, P. (Tutor)
1/06/99 → 1/06/03
Project: Research project
Model risk and robust hedging
Kerkhof, F. L. J. (Researcher), Melenberg, B. (Tutor) & Schumacher, J. M. (Tutor)
1/06/99 → 1/06/03
Project: Research project
Panel data approaches to European stock selection
Nijman, T. (Tutor), Swinkels, L. A. P. (Researcher) & Verbeek, M. J. C. M. (Tutor)
1/06/99 → 1/06/03
Project: Research project
An analysis of corporate investment decisions
Pawlina, G. (Researcher) & Kort, P. (Tutor)
15/03/99 → 15/03/03
Project: Research project
Consumeren, sparen of beleggen?
Kapteyn, A. (Principal Investigator), Dellaert, B. G. C. (Principal Investigator) & Golounov, V. (Researcher)
1/03/99 → 1/02/04
Project: Research project
Environmental protection and economic growth
Smulders, S. (Principal Investigator) & van de Klundert, T. (Researcher)
1/02/99 → 1/02/03
Project: Research project
Exchange mechanisms, endogenous preferences and bounded rationality
van de Klundert, T. (Tutor) & van de Ven, J. (Researcher)
1/02/99 → 1/02/03
Project: Research project
The financial reporting of pensions in the annual accounts of the EC and the USA
van der Zanden, P. M. (Tutor)
1/01/99 → 1/01/03
Project: Research project
Adoption of innovation by customers
Sikkel, D. (Principal Investigator)
1/01/99 → 1/01/01
Project: Research project
International brand management
Verhallen, T. M. M. (Principal Investigator)
1/01/99 → 1/01/03
Project: Research project
Optimalization of the life-span of products
Cramer, J. M. (Principal Investigator)
1/01/99 → 1/01/03
Project: Research project
Game theoretic approach to problems in environmental and resource economics: The case study for fishery resource management
Pham do, K. H. (Researcher) & Tijs, S. H. (Tutor)
1/12/98 → 1/12/02
Project: Research project