8 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Chijs van Nieuwenhuizen with the persons below:
Marjan Bakker
- TS Social and Behavioral Sciences, Methodology and Statistics - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Stefan Bogaerts
- TS Social and Behavioral Sciences, Developmental Psychology - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Ilja Bongers
- TS Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tranzo - Hospitality contract
Person: Staff not employed
Geert van Boxtel
- TS Social and Behavioral Sciences, Cognitive Neuropsychology - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Jeroen Dewinter, PhD
- Academic Collaborative Center for Digital Health & Mental Wellbeing
- TS Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tranzo - Hospitality contract
Person: Staff not employed
Iman Elfeddali
- Academic Collaborative Center for Digital Health & Mental Wellbeing
- TS Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tranzo - Hospitality contract
Person: Staff not employed
Margot Metz
- TS Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tranzo - Hospitality contract
Person: Staff not employed