Personal profile
Research interests
I have an interdisciplinary background in anthropology, sociology, and the study of religion in its societal context. As a PhD candidate, my research focuses on processes of self-sacralization in the self-help industry, particularly in the form of coaching in Christian and spiritual milieus. The concepts that animate my work include meaning-making, sacralization, (collective) identity formation, and the intersections between religion and modernity.
2022 - 2023 Project manager EMJM Religious Diversity in a Globalised World (ReD Global), Faculty of Religion, Culture, and Society, University of Groningen
2022 - 2023 Professional staff representative and co-chair Faculty Council, Faculty of Religion, Culture, and Society, University of Groningen
2021 - 2022 Vice-chair Programme Committee Euroculture and student representative Cluster Advisory Committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen
2021 - 2022 Editor-in-Chief founding board Student Think Tank for Europe-Asia Relations
2018 - 2020 Editor and section editor Social Sciences at undergraduate research journal Ad Astra, University College Roosevelt
2018 - 2021 Undergraduate research assistant, Department of Social Sciences, University College Roosevelt
Education/Academic qualification
Sociology, Master’s Degree, EMJMD Euroculture - European Politics, Culture, and Society
2020 → 2022
Cultural anthropology, Bachelor’s Degree, Liberal Arts & Sciences - Anthropology, Politics, and Law, University College Roosevelt
2017 → 2020
- Sociology Of Religion
- Anthropology
- Self (The)
- Self-Sacralization
- Self Regulation
- Meaning-making