Lieven Baele
  • Warandelaan 2, Koopmans Building, room K 617

    5037 AB Tilburg



Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

Lieven Baele is Professor of International Finance at Tilburg University. His research interests cover various fields as Empirical Asset Pricing, Banking, and International Finance. His work has been published in the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and the Journal of Monetary Economics, amongst others. His current research focusses on better understanding periods of extreme stress, in particular flights-to-safety and contagion spells. Lieven currently serves as Head of the Finance Department.

Lieven has served as a consultant to several policy institutes, such as the ECB and the European Commission, as well as to several financial firms.

Lieven teaches courses on Global Asset Allocation, Risk Management, and International Corporate Finance at various institutions.

Please visit my personal website for the most up-to-date information.


Professor of International Finance, Tilburg University, November 2019 - Now

Associate Professor of Finance, Tilburg University, July 2009 - October 2019.

Assistant Professor of Finance, Tilburg University, September 2004 – June 2009.

Postdoctoral Researcher, Ghent University, July 2003 - August 2004.

Doctoral Researcher, Department of Financial Economics, Ghent University, September 1998 - November 2002.

Current courses

Click here for my courses.

PhD supervision

Past students: Koen Inghelbrecht (June 2006, now at Ghent University), Crina Pungulescu (March 2009, now at Toulouse Business School), Moazzam Farooq (September 2011, now at State Bank of Pakistan), Juan-Miguel Londoño (December 2011, now at Federal Reserve Board), Valerie De Bruyckere (May 2013, now at European Banking Association in London), Larissa Schäfer (2015, now at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management), Frederiek Van Holle (2017, now at Degroof Petercam), Zilong Niu (with Frank de Jong, now at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics), Matjaz Maletic (with Bertrand Melenberg, now at Slovenian Central Bank), Rebwar Taha (together with Ronald Russo)

Current students: Tomas Jankauskas (with Joost Driessen), Alexander Mueller; Jan Paulick (both together with Ron Berndsen), Giovanni Trebbi (together with Frank de Jong)

External positions

Teaching course International Finance (Vlerick Business School / IMT Ghaziabad)

28 Mar 20234 Apr 2023

Advice on the multi-horizon correlation between equity and treasury-bond returns (State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB))

28 Mar 202331 Dec 2023

Course Risk Mangement (MScBA) (Tias Business School)

1 Jan 2021 → …


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