Marc van Veldhoven



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Personal profile



Pre-university           Gymnasium Alpha, '75-'81/Sittard

University                  M.Sc. Psychology/Tilburg University '81-'86 (cum laude)

PhD                            Ph.D. Social Sciences/Groningen University '92-'96


Career stages

Marc started his career as a student- and research assistant in the departement of clinical and health psychology at Tilburg University (1984-1988). After that he worked for 10 years as a consultant/researcher/project manager in occupational health care practice (ArboUnie, 1987-1997). During this time he developed the Questionaire on the Experience and Evaluation of Work (QEEW; Dutch: VBBA, authored together with prof. Theo Meijman), while on a project for the Dutch Institute of Working Conditions (NIA) and the University of Amsterdam (UVA, Coronel Lab/Studiecentrum Arbeid en Gezondheid). This questionnaire was used in thousands of projects in the Netherlands in the following decades and has hitherto been completed by over 2 million workers. After the instrument was completed, Marc helped initiating a research agency in Amsterdam (SKB) that provides services and benchmarks for the QEEW since 1996. After completing his PhD (supervisors: prof. Theo Meijman, prof. Tom Snijders, prof. Frank van Dijk) while working in occupational health care practice, Marc worked as an independent consultant for six years, running his own small business (Van Veldhoven Consultancy BV/1996-2002). During 1997-2001 he combined this with working parttime as a senior researcher at the department of Work and Organizational Psychology at Radboud University/Nijmegen. 

In 2001, Marc moved to the department of HR Studies at Tilburg University where, and after a bridge year, he decided to become a fulltime academic. Since 2002 his aim is to research, teach and consult at the interface of work psychology and (strategic) HRM. In 2007 Marc worked as a visiting researcher at King’s College (London) for one semester. In Tilburg he moved from guest lecturer (2001) to assistant professor (2002) to associate professor (2007), and in 2010 Marc was appointed a full professorship. Marc has been a visiting professor at Durham University (Durham, UK, 2012-2018). In the period 2013-2018, Marc has been Head of Department at the department of HR Studies (TSB/TiU). He was Vice-Dean of Research at Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (TSB) from 2022-2024. Currently, he is Dean (ad interim) at TSB.



Marc has consulted hundreds of individual organizations -among which a range of multinationals- both while working as a practioner and as an academic. He has worked as an advisor/chair for a series of nation-wide or sector-wide projects in the Netherlands (in mental health care, policing, law, financial sector, transport, municipalities, for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, for the Ministry of Justice, various Dutch association of employers, and for several labor unions). Marc ran/was on the board of a range of scientific projects funded by organizations like the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the ESRC (UK), the European Union, and the Society for HRM (USA).

Marc has served as an associate editor for JOOP (2008-2013) and since 2013 he has served on the editorial boards of JOOP, Human Relations, EJWOP and HRMR. Marc has reviewed for dozens of other academic journals in occupational health/HRM/applied psychology.

Marc is a member of AoM, SIOP, EAWOP and EAOHP. He (co-)organized conferences and small group meetings for WAOP, EAWOP and the Dutch HRM Network.

Marc was the founder and first chairman of the Dutch Association of Work and Organizational Experts (BA&O, 1993-1996). Marc has chaired the association of Dutch researchers in work and organational psychology (WAOP, a consituent of EAWOP, 2012-2016) . He has been board member and chair of the Dutch HRM Network (2013-2020) and board member and chair of the Foundation for the Dutch journal for HRM (Stichting TvHRM, 2016-).

Marc designed and taught the following courses at Tilburg University:

ICT & Work, bachelor HR Studies (2003-2009)

Strategic HRM, master HR Studies (2004-2010)

Work, Well-Being & Performance, bachelor HR Studies (2010-2015)

Seminar HR Studies, master HR Studies (2011-2013; 2019-2022)

Extended Assessment Methods, research master individual differences & assessment (2017-2019)

Inidividual Differences & Work, research master individual differences & assessment (2017-2022)

HRM, Work Design & Technology (2019-2022)

Since 2002, Marc has supervised hundreds of master theses. He also taught, guest lectured, and served as a teacher/tutor in (post-doctoral) programs in the areas of occupational health/HRM/aplied psychology at other universities and business schools in the Netherlands, as well as in Suriname, the UK, Belgium, Germany and Spain.

At the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (TSB) of Tilburg University, Marc has served as a member on a range of teaching and exam related committees. He chaired the exam committee (2011-2012) and the science commitee (2012-2018). He is currently a member of the Scientific Integrity Committee (CWI) at Tilburg University. He was educational director for the Premaster and Master HRS in the year 2021-2022. 

Marc has given a large number of interviews for Dutch radio, tv, newspapers and popular press. In 1999 he made a TV-documentary for Dutch national television (RVU/NOS) called "the stress mechanism".

Marc (co-)authored around 200 books, journal articles and other publications, mostly since he became a fulltime academic in 2002. In Google Scholar >15000 citations of his works are reported. He supervised >10 PhD thesis candidates.


Research interests

Work and Organizational Psychologist specializing in HRM, well-being and performance.

PhD supervision

  • Co-promotor L. Dorenbosch. "Management by vitality: examining the "active" well-being and performance outcomes of high performance work practices" (2009).
  • Co-promotor K. van de Voorde "HRM, employee well-being and organizational performance: a balanced perspective" (2010).
  • Promotor S. Beijer "HR practices at work: their conceptualization and measurement in HRM research" (2014).
  • Promotor J. Dijkhuizen "Success and well-being among entrepreneurs in the Netherlands" (2015).
  • Promotor A. Hailemariam "Women entrepreneurs in sub-Saharan Africa: a self-determination theory perspective" (2018).
  • Promotor K. Hailu Gudeta "Managing boundarylessness between work, family and community: the experiences of women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia" (2018).
  • Promotor P. van der Laken "Data-driven human resource management: the rise of people analytics and its application to expatriate management" (2018).
  • Promotor H. Bakker "The impact of rescue work on mental health and private life tasks: how to protect health and effectiveness in a high risk job (2020)".
  • Promotor K. Pak "HRM and the extension of working lives: examining the role of job demands, job resources, HR practiuces, and major life events in the maintenance and development of the ability, motivation, and opportunity to continue working" (2020).
  • Promotor E. van der Meulen "The benefits of psychological resilience for mental health and functioning in the police and military occupational context: an emprical critique" (2021).
  • Promotor J. van Beurden "The employee experience of HR practices: understanding employee perceptions of HR practices in Strategic HRM" (2021).
  • Promotor M. van Gelder "Strategy & HRM: agility as means and ends".
  • Promotor D. van der Kruijssen "Job crafting towards strengths and interests".
  • Promotor J. Binkhorst "EPA en de waarde van werk".
  • Promotor E. Boumans "Retraining the Fatigued Brain (REFAB): A randomized controlled trial evaluating personalized cognitive rehabilitation treatment in somatic symptom and related disorders".
  • Promotor M. Steinkampf "Innovative Team Practices and Well-Being: Structural and Proactive Approaches".


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