Martin Tuijl, van
  • Warandelaan 2, Koopmans Building, room K 333

    5037 AB Tilburg


1989 …2019

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

Martin van Tuijl is associate professor at the Department of Economics. His field is macro-economics.

He is interested in macro-economic modelling and in the economic aspects of football (soccer).


Current position

Associate Professor in Economics, Tilburg University (since 2000)

Previous positions

September 2002 - September 2005: Chair Faculty Council, Faculty Economics and Business Administration, Tilburg University
January 2000 - December 2002: Chair Educational Board Foundation Phase in Economics
August 1989 - December 1999: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Tilburg University
January 1988 - July 1989: Ph.D. student, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Tilburg University
November 1986 - December 1987: Military service


  • Macroeconomics
  • International Economics


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