Professional Details
- Full Professor of Church History and History of Theology, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Tilburg University
- Full Professor Economy and Theology, Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Visiting Professor, Faculty of Theology, Catholic University Leuven
Posts and Previous Posts
- 2014- 2019 Director Graduate School of Theology, Tilburg University
- 2013-.... Expert, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Holy See)
- 2013- 2018 Distinguished lecturer ESAA (Erasmus School of Accounting and Assurance, Erasmus University);
- 2013- 2019 Vice-dean, (pro-decanus) Faculty of Catholic Theology, Tilburg University
- 2012 Visiting Professor, Villanova University (Penn.)
- 2012- 2014 DepartmentChair,Biblical Studies and Church History (Tilburg University)
- 2010 Visiting Professor, Faculty of Theology, Institute for Augustinian Studies, University of Malta
- 2008- ... Founder and director of the Centre of Patristic Research, University of Tilburg and VU University Amsterdam
- 2007 - ... Professor of Church History and History of Theology, University of Tilburg
- 2007- 2014 Professor Graduate School of Humanities at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Tilburg
- 2005- 2018 Endowed Professor of Augustine Studies at the Faculty of Theology, VU University Amsterdam
- 2003: Visiting professor Lampeter University, Wales
- 2001- 2007 Extraordinary Professor of Augustine Studies, Catholic Theological University Utrecht
- 1997-2002 Senior Research Fellow (Postdoc) The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
- 1998-2001 Lecturer in Spirituality, Catholic Theological University Utrecht
- 1997-1998 Lecturer Systematic Theology, Catholic Theological University
- 1997-2002 Pastoral referee in Rotterdam-Oost.
- 1997-1998 Director Ethics Department The Hague University of Applied Science (interim)
- 1997-1998 Business Consultant Dutch Quality Schools
- 1995-1998 Research fellow, Project ?Pilgrimage places in The Netherlands? (P.J. Meertensinstituut, KNAW)
- 1991-1994 PhD student; junior research fellow Titus Brandsma Institute, Faculty of Theology, Catholic University Nijmegen
Senior Administrative Roles in University
- 2018: Visiting Professor Pontificia Università San Anselmo, Roma
- 2017-2019: member Beoordelingscommissie VICI (NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
- 2016: member and chairman Beoordelingscommissie voor het programma Promoties in de geesteswetenschappen (NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
- 2015- ? Member Council of the Association Internationale d?Etudes Patristiques (AIEP);
- 2015: member Valorization Board, Tilburg University
- 2015: member ?Beoordelingscommissie voor het programma Promoties in de geesteswetenschappen (NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
- 2015- ? Member Valorization Board, Tilburg University
- 2014- ? Member Curatorium Goldschmeding Foundation
- 2014: member Beoordelingscommissie voor het programma Vrije Competitie (NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
Senior Administrative Roles in University
2015- … Member Council of the Association Internationale d’Etudes Patristiques (AIEP)
2013- … member scientific council journal Chiesa e Storia (Rivista dell'Associazione Italiana dei Professori di Storia della Chiesa)
2009- ... external Participant, advisor Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation (EHERO), Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
2018- … : member Raad van Advies, Tilburg University Society
- 2018 - …: member Sounding Board Scientific Integrity, Tilburg University
(International scholarly) editorships
- 2022- ... Member advisory board: Studia Bordonica. International Journal of Studies on the House of Bourbon
- 2021- ... Editor Journal of Economics, Theology and Religion (EUR)
- 2017- ... Member advisory board: Chiesa e Storia. Rivista dell'Associazione Italiana dei Professori di Storia della Chiesa
2017- … Editor M&O. Tijdschrift voor Management en Organisatie (Boom)
2015- … Editor (co-founder) Brill’s Studies in Catholic Theology (Brill, Leiden-Boston-Köln)
2015- ... Member advisory Board: Brill’s Series in Church History and Religious Culture (Brill, Leiden-Boston-Köln)
- 2012-2021 Editor-in-Chief Christendemocratische Verkenningen
2010- ... Editor Dutch Lectures in Patristics (Brill, Leiden-Boston-Köln)
2009- … Editor Brill Series in Church History (Brill, Leiden-Boston-Köln)
2009-... Editor-in-Chief Brill’s Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (Brill, Leiden-Boston-Köln)
- 2009-2012 Editor Christendemocratische Verkenningen
- 2009- ... Member advisory Board: Matrturia. Een e-magaine van het Evangelische College over de betekenis van de Vroege Kerk voor Vandaag
2007-2019 Editor Late Antique History and Religion (Peeters, Leuven)
2007-… Mitarbeiter Augustinus-Lexikon; Zentrum für Augustinus- (Forschung; Universität Würzburg)
2005- ... Editor Augustiniana. Revue pour l’Étude de Saint Augustin et de l’ordre des augustins (Leuven: KUL-Augustijns Historisch Instituut)
2005- 2013 Co-editor After Augustine project (Oxford University Press; St. Andrews University Scotland)
- 2004 – 2016 Editor series Ad fontes. De bronnen van het vroege christendom (Meinema, Zoetermeer)
- 2000 - 2009 Editor Herademing. Tijdschrift voor Spiritualiteit en Mystiek (Uitgeverij Kok, Kampen)
Co-responsible in advisory reports on behalf of the dutch government
- Wankele sokkels. Omstreden monumenten in de openbare ruimte. Amsterdam: KNAW, 2023. 186 pp. Samenstelling KNAW-Commissie Omstreden Monumenten: Maria Grever (vz), Paul van Geest, Hans van Houwelingen, Gert Oostindie, Ann Rigney, Jennifer Tosch, Harry Tuban, Ugur Umit Ungor.
- Advies directie particulieren. Den Haag: Ministerie van Financien, 2023. 10 pp. Samenstelling Adviescommissie Analytics [Ministerie van Financien]: Emile Aarts (vz), E. Bruins, S. Bhulai, P. van Geest, M. van den Hoven, F. van der Jagt, R. van Kan, E. Keymolen, P. Prufer, M. Schafer, A. van Wissen.
- Advies dienst toeslagen. Den Haag: Ministerie van Financien, 2023. 10 pp. Samenstelling Adviescommissie Analytics [Ministerie van Financien]: zie hierboven.
2019- ... Member de Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW)
2017-… Member Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns (Fakulteit Kuns en Geesteswetenskappe)
2010- … Member of the Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde
2010- … Member Institut d’Etudes Augustiniennes
2008- … Member of the Association Internationale d’Etudes Patristiques (AIEP)
2008- … Member of the North American Patristic Society (NAPS)
1998- 2014 Member NOSTER (The Netherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion)
Click here for my courses.
Postdoctoral research fellows
- José van Aelst, The Fifteenth Century Versions of the Hundred articles of the Passion by Henry Suso (VENI, with Paul Wackers, finished may 2011: Vruchten van de passie. De laatmiddeleeuwse passieliteratuur verkend aan de hand van Suso?s Honderd artikelen. Hilversum: Verloren: 2011; Middeleeuwse Studies en Bronnen 129)
- Hans van Loon, The Mystagogy of the Pascal Homilies of Cyrillus of Alexandria (Private Foundation)
- Liuwe Westra, Early Christian Creeds (Private Foundation)
- Marten van Wilgen, The mystagogy of Ambrose (Stichting Vroege Kerk)
- Arnold Smeets, The mystagogy of Gregory the Great (KRO)
Former PhD students
- Ken Becker, From the Treasure-House of Scripture: An Analysis of Scriptural Sources in De imitatione (defence: Lampeter University, Wales, 14 december 2003) Thesis published in Instrvmenta patristica et mediaevalia. Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity 44; Turnhout: Brepols, 2004)
- Elisabeth Boddens Hosang, Establishing Boundaries. Christian Jewish Relations in Early Council Texts and the Writings of Church Fathers (defence: Tilburg University, 10 september 2008, with Gerard Rouwhorst). Thesis published in Jewish and Christian Perspectives 19; Leiden, Brill, 2010
- Daniel Napier, From the Circular Soul to the Cracked Self: A Genetic Historiography of Augustine?s Anthropology from Cassiciacum to the Confessiones (defence: VU University Amsterdam, 26 november 2010). Thesis will be published in Late Antique History and Religion (Leuven: Peeters)
- Martin Claes, Exercitatio Mentis als Casus. (defence: UvT, 22 december 2011). Thesis published as: Exercitatio Mentis als Casus. Een onderzoek naar Augustinus als Pegagoog (Almere: Parthenon, 2011).
Current PhD students
- Peter van Egmond, The libellus fidei of Pelagius: text, context and theology (defence: VU, 2012)
- Jannes Hoekman, The metaphor of the Dies Dominicus in the works of St. Augustine (VU)
- Bernard ten Hove, The metaphor of area in the works of St. Augustine (VU)
- Laela Zwollo, The Human Mind as Reflection of a Divine Image: Augustine, Plotinus and a Gnostic author (UvT, with Rudi te Velde)
- Frank Bosman Byzantinisches Christentum: Dadaïst Hugo Ball herleest Johannes Climacus, Dionysius de Aeropagiet en Simon de Styliet(UvT, with Theo Salemink)
- Nathan Witkamp, Tradition and Innovation: a Critical Comparison of the Baptismal Rites of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Narsai of Nisibis (VU, ETF, with G. Vleugels)
- Herbert Batt, The pagan sources of Augustine?s Hermeneutic (UvT)
- Cees van Halem, De perceptie van het Joodse volk in de na-oorlogse preken in de protestantse traditie (UvT, with M. Poorthuis)
- Francesco Celia, (VU)