Personal profile
Research interests
Hi! My name is Tanika Kenens.
I am an external PhD at Tilburg University in cooperation with UGent.
I studied Literature and Linguistics at KULeuven, after which I started my own language company in 2013, focusing mostly on language consultancy. For all the love that I have for my company, I felt like the research that I am currently conducting has the potential to connect the professional and academic world even further in the human revolution which is now following the digital revolution.
The purpose of my research is to verify whether information processing mechanisms more accurately reflect potential human functioning in a contemporary professional context without involving the concept of intelligence or personality; therefore, introducing a new model, namely the AlterEdu-model; a holistic model, independent of psychometric instruments or personality tests, driven by AI and interactive in regard to the subject’s environment and background.
Education/Academic qualification
Languages and literature, Other, Teaching Legal English, TOLES Legal - Girton College Cambridge spin-off
Award Date: 26 Sept 2014
Languages and literature, Master’s Degree, MA of Arts - Languages & Linguistics, KU Leuven
20 Sept 2011 → 30 Jun 2012
Languages and literature, Bachelor’s Degree, Bachelor of Arts - Languages & Linguistics, KU Leuven
22 Sept 2008 → 30 Jun 2011