• Warandelaan 2, Koopmans Building, room K8.42

    5037 AB Tilburg


  • Warandelaan 2, Koopmans Building, room K 904

    5037 AB Tilburg


Accepting PhD Students


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

My research focuses on the effective governance of inter-organisational relationships in supply chains, with a specific focus on the functions of contracts and their interplay with relational governance mechanisms. Of particularly interest is the impact of contemporary transitions in business and society, such as digital transformation and circularity, on effective inter-organisational governance.


NEVI Professor Purchasing & Supply Chain Management (since April 1, 2020)

Associate Professor Purchasing & Supply Management (since 2018)

Tenured Assistant Professor Supply Chain Management at Tilburg University (2016-2018)

Assistant Professor Supply Chain Management at Tilburg University (2012-2016)

Assistant Professor Purchasing and Supply Management at Eindhoven University of Technology (2007-2012)

PhD Candidate at RSM Erasmus University (2003-2007)

Research assistant at Eindhoven University of Techology (2003)

Current courses

Click here for my courses.

PhD supervision

Prato, L., Disruption Effects of Connected Manufacturing in Performance-Based Contracting. Doctoral research at RSM Erasmus University, department of Technology and Operations Management; promotors: J.Y.F. Wynstra and W. van der Valk. Graduation expected: 2024. 

Wickrayamanake, S. VIA AUGUSTA: Leveraging the potential of a System-of-Systems approach to infrastructure management. Promotors: S.A.C.M. Lavrijssen and W. van der Valk; co-promotor: I. Graef. Graduation expected: 2027.

Aben, T.A.E. (2022). The (long) road towards smart management and maintenance: Organising the digital transformation of critical infrastructures. CentER for Economic Research, Tilburg University;  promotors: H.A. Akkermans and S.A.C.M. Lavrijssen; co-promotor: W. van der Valk. 

Fang, F. (2019). Using Performance-Based Contracts to Contract Unknown Performance. CentER for Economic Research, Tilburg University; promotors: G.C.J.M. Vos and H.A. Akkermans; co-promotor: W. van der Valk.

Koster, M. (2014). Essays on Sustainable Supply Management. CentER for Economic Research, Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Member of PhD thesis committee.

Sumo, R.A.F. (2014). Fostering Innovation through Contracting in Inter-Organizational Relationships. Doctoral dissertation, Eindhoven University of Technology, department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences; promotors: A.J. van Weele and G.M. Duijsters; co-promotor: W. van der Valk.


External positions

Half-a-day session for young purchasing professionals as part of Procurement Talent Program (Nevi)

16 Apr 2024

Executive Teaching; Purchasing Module TIAS-MOS (TIAS)

2 Jun 20224 Jun 2022

Half a day executive teaching Nevi PEP (Nevi)

28 Oct 2021


  • Purchasing and Supply Management
  • Governance
  • Collaboration
  • Sustainability
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Climate Change
  • Energy transition
  • Data


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