Willem Buijink
1983 …2015

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

Willem Buijink teaches financial and management accounting and conducts research in financial accounting, tax accounting and auditing. He was Vice Dean Education of TiSEM until the end of 2009. Prior to that he was Vice Dean Research of TiSEM. He chaired the TiSEM Department of Accountancy from 2001 to 2005. Prior to coming to Tilburg, in 2001, Professor Buijink was Professor of Accounting at Maastricht University where he chaired the Department of Accounting and Finance. He is co-founder of the MARC. Professor Buijink started his academic career at the University of Antwerp.

His current research interests include the economics of financial accounting, financial accounting regulation and the historical development of financial accounting. His research has appeared in Contemporary Accounting Research, the Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Abacus, the European Accounting Review, the International Journal of Accounting and in other accounting and economics journals. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of the Dutch language business economics academic journal MAB. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, the International Journal of Auditing, BuR Business Research, Financial Reporting, the Revista Española de Financiacion y Contabilidad and the European Journal of Law and Economics.

He was co-organizer of three succesful consecutive EU funded financial accounting research programs, focused on the training of young financial accounting researchers in the EU: CREA, HARMONIA and INTACCT.

He chaired the first Standing Scientific Committee of the European Accounting Association from 2005 to 2007.

From October 1, 2013, he was for a year the EIASM Academic Director, in Brussels. Since April 2015 he is Professor of Accounting (part-time) at the Dutch Open University in Heerlen.


2016-present: chair, Department of Accounting and Finance, Open Universiteit, Heerlen

2015-present: (part-time) professor of Accounting, Open Universiteit, Heerlen

2013-2014: (part-time) academic director, EIASM, Brussels

2006-2009: vice-dean education, TiSEM, Universiteit Tilburg

2005-2006: vice-dean research, TiSEM, Universiteit Tilburg; Scientific Director CentER

2001-2005 chair, Department of Accountancy, TiSEM, Universiteit Tilburg

2001-present: professor of Business Economics (Accounting), TiSEM, Universiteit Tilburg

7/1999-6/2000 visiting professor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (5 months); visiting professor, UA (7 months).

1997-2000 maître de conférences, Management Accounting, Université de Liège

1992-1998: chair, Department of Accounting and Finance, FdEWB, Universiteit Maastricht (UM)

1992-2001: professor of Business Economics (Accounting), FdEWB, UM

1990-1999: chair, Accounting/Auditing section, Department of Accounting and Finance, FdEWB, UM

1990-1992: acting professor of Accounting, FdEWB, UM

1984-1992: assistant professor of Financial Accounting, FdEWB, UM

1978-1984: (research)assistant, Management, FTEW, UA

1978: researchassistant, Management, FEW, Rijksuniversiteit Gent

PhD supervision

Most recent PhD dissertations supervised :

- Yue Wang, Essays on the relevance and use of dirty surplus accounting flows in Europe, 22/11/2006 (UvT)

- Boudewijn Janssen, Empirical evidence on explicit and explicit corporate tax burdens: three studies studies, 18/12/2003 (UM)

- Peter Sampers, The relation between management control systems and shareholder value creation: three empirical studies, 10/9/2003 (with A.Blommaert) (UM)


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