Marie Curie Early Stage Research Fellow (EU 7th Framework Programme)
Marhold, A. (Recipient)
Prize: Fellowship
DISSETTLE: Dispute Settlement in Trade: Training in Law and Economics, Visiting Research Fellow, the Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland
Short for “Dispute Settlement in Trade: Training in Law and Economics”, DISSETTLE is an interdisciplinary project that will fund PhD and other young researchers to spend time at one of the five participating universities. It is designed to train a new cohort of economic and legal experts to be prepared and able to work together in formulating trade policy and settling international trade and investment disputes. Its core goal is to cross the current divide between legal and economic expertise.
DISSETTLE is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) funded under the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme, which is set to run for four years starting in spring 2011 and ending in spring 2015. It is destined essentially to train and support academic researchers at an early stage of their careers.