Flits Study: A dyadic (parent-adolescent) EMA design

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Flits Study is an ecological momentary assessment study conducted by Maaike Verhagen, Dominique Maciejewski and Hend Eltanamly. This study was supported by a grant from a Dutch independent self-governing organisation for health care (ZonMw).

In this study, parent-adolescent dyads participated. Its aim is to examine affect, emotion-regulation strategies and emotion-related parenting in parents and their offspring.

On this page you can find a description of the study design, including the information letters for parents and adolescents (in Dutch only), the codebook for the EMA study, and the codebooks for the baseline questionnaire (T0: one day before start of the EMA week), and the end-of-study questionnaire (T0+1: one day after the EMA week). Also, the notification scheme and an overview of compliance can be found here (the latter one will be uploaded after data-cleaning only). Moreover, pre-registrations for individual papers can be found here.

The Flits Study is part of a larger longitudinal study (spanning 6 waves of data collection): The G(F)OOD together! project, conducted by Nina van den Broek, Junilla Larsen, Maaike Verhagen and Jacqueline Vink, please see https://osf.io/bysgq/.
Effective start/end date31/03/2130/03/23


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