Futures of Europe

Project: Research project

Project Details


Futures of Europe is an open-ended, multidisciplinary project that aims to encourage discussion and engagement and to create new visions around possible futures of Europe. Faith in politics is at an all-time low, and hope for the future is collapsing as conspiracy theories and dystopian visions flourish. To counterbalance these trends, our actions tackle themes like sustainability, climate action, countering extremism, the need for unity, action against racism, and finding positive, empowering uses of digitalisation, with the broader aim of helping to rebuild the commons in Europe and encourage consensus on some of the most difficult issues we face. We want people to see that their words and ideas matter, that they have something of value to contribute to crucial debates, and that everyone living in Europe - north, south, east or west, centre or periphery, rural or urban - has an important role to play in deciding our collective fate.
Effective start/end date1/04/23 → …


  • Futures
  • Manifestos
  • Design
  • Pedagogical methods


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