Measuring, Gathering, Mining and Integrating Data for Self management in the Edge of the Electricity System

Project: Research project

Project Details


The energy transition in the Netherlands is at risk of stagnation: while the demand for electricity is constantly increasing, the supply from sustainable sources is becoming increasingly erratic. Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), together with three other universities, TNO and nine industrial partners, is therefore launching a research program aimed at finding new ways of breaking this impasse. The researchers are looking for solutions not only in technology (such as artificial intelligence), but also in law and regulation. The program, funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), should lead to new ways for local energy systems to manage themselves.

Smart energy grids and local energy markets play an important role in the integration of renewable energy into the energy system as they facilitate an optimal use of flexibility services that may be provided by Prosumers connected to the distribution grids. A research team of TiU ( led by prof. Saskia Lavrijssen ) is responsible for the workpackage on the ethical and regulatory aspects of the implementation of artificial intelligence in smart grids. The post-doctoral researcher will be involved in research on how fundamental values, ethical principles and regulatory principles can be respected when designing AI systems for smart energy grids and local energy markets and also what regulatory changes are needed to facilitate these type of innovations.
Effective start/end date1/09/211/09/25


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