The dichotomy between strong and weak positions on the e-commerce market

    Project: Research project

    Project Details


    The dichotomy between strong and weak positions on the E-Commerce market

    It appears that the introduction of electronic markets has an important impact on the dichotomy between strong and weak positions on these markets. The evolution in this dichotomy affects various participants in the economic chains of electronic markets: electronic commerce on the one hand strengthens and on the other hand weakens the positions of these participants. This phenomenon of changing bargaining powers is especially clear when it comes to consumers. The consumer's position is traditionally seen as a key example of an economically weak party. Electronic commerce, however, shows that technology offers consumers altogether amazing possibilities to enhance its bargaining position. Nevertheless, electronic transactions also involve new risks for consumers.
    Of key importance for establishing stable institutional arrangements for electronic commerce is knowledge of the role the various parties play on the electronic market and de position they have on this type of market. What institutions influence the bargaining and market power of players and to what extent? And in reverse: in what way does the use of technologie influence the institutional arrangements as they have been traditionally adopted and used? In light of these questions, this research project is meant to study the following central question: in what way does the evolution in the dichotomy between strong and weak positions of consumers on the E-Commerce market influence the role of economic and legal institutions on this market?

    aan te stellen: (post-doc 1.0 fte)
    deelnemende vakgroepen:
    Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen - KUB
    Faculteit Technologie Management - TUE
    projectleiders: C. Prins (KUB)
    prof.dr. P. Ribbers (KUB)
    Short titleThe dichotomy between strong and weak positions on the e-commerce market
    Effective start/end date1/01/0231/12/04


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