A Community of Ethics Teachers in Europe (COMET)

Natascha Kienstra, Floris Velema

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


    Ethics education plays an integral role in the fostering of European values. However, the subject of ethics is studied within a wide variety of curricula in secondary schools across Europe. This diversity of curricula, along with a diversity of pedagogical methods and goals, inhibits the possibility of exchanges of best practices and mutual learning. The Community of Ethics Teachers in Europe aims at overcoming these curricular differences through digital innovation. In order to reach this goal, we have designed an online platform that showcases the European ethics curricula and makes them accessible to a wide audience. Research will be done on the various European ethics curricula by categorizing the different approaches. This will lead to more insight into the methods that are used in secondary ethics education in Europe.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)171-180
    JournalEuropa Forum Philosophie
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


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