A novel item-allocation procedure for the three-form planned missing data design

Kyle M. Lang, E. Whitney G. Moore, Elizabeth M. Grandfield

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We propose a new method of constructing questionnaire forms in the three-form planned missing data design (PMDD). The random item allocation (RIA) procedure that we propose promises to dramatically simplify the process of implementing three-form PMDDs without compromising statistical performance. Our method is a stochastic approximation to the currently recommended approach of deterministically spreading a scale's items across the X-, A-, B-, and C-blocks when allocating the items in a three-form design. Direct empirical support for the performance of our method is only available for scales containing at least 12 items, so we also propose a modified approach for use with scales containing fewer than 12 items. We also discuss the limitations of our procedure and several nuances for researchers to consider when implementing three-form PMDDs using our method.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100941
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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