A predictor-corrector algorithm for semidefinite programming that uses the factor width cone

Felix Kirschner, Etienne de Klerk

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We propose an interior point method (IPM) for solving semidefinite programming problems (SDPs). The standard interior point algorithms used to solve SDPs work in the space of positive semidefinite matrices. Contrary to that the proposed algorithm works in the cone of matrices of constant factor width. We prove global convergence and provide a complexity analysis. Our work is inspired by a series of papers by Ahmadi, Dash, Majumdar and Hall, and builds upon a recent preprint by Roig-Solvas and Sznaier [arXiv:2202.12374, 2022].
Original languageEnglish
JournalVietnam Journal of Mathematics
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - Apr 2024


  • Conic optimization
  • Factor width cone
  • Interior point methods
  • Semidefinite programming


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