A Taxonomy of Best-Reply Multifunctions in 2x2x2 Trimatrix Games

C. Gonzalez-Alcon, P.E.M. Borm, R.L.P. Hendrickx, K. van Kuijk

Research output: Working paperDiscussion paperOther research output

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This paper provides an overview of the various shapes the best- reply multifunctions can take in 2×2×2 trimatrix games. It is shown that, unlike in 2×2 bimatrix games, the best replies to the opponents’ pure strategies do not completely determine the structure of the Nash equilibrium set.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationTilburg
PublisherOperations research
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 2007

Publication series

NameCentER Discussion Paper


  • non-cooperative games
  • best-reply multifunction
  • Nash equilibrium


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