‘Alle historisch-religieuze plaatsen in één hand’: Joannes Aengenent, socioloog en bisschop, en zijn omgang met de geschiedenis

Translated title of the contribution: All historico-religious places in one hand: Joannes Aengenent, sociologist and bishop, and the way he dealt with history

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientific

    Translated title of the contributionAll historico-religious places in one hand: Joannes Aengenent, sociologist and bishop, and the way he dealt with history
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)32-43
    Number of pages12
    JournalDocumentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800
    Issue number86
    Publication statusPublished - 2017

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