An empirical study of interreligious student learning in classroom teaching

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionScientificpeer-review


    In the Netherlands schools are highly plural, and religious education therefore has an extra challenge in teaching students to inquire the different religious perspectives. Students have to develop their own perspective in this, using their experiences and the communication with other students in the classroom. This approach might help students to look at cultural and religious values of others from their own perspective, be aware of this perspective, and last but not least develop a way to encounter peers by using their other religious perspectives. In this article the development of an interreligious exercise is described, namely an interreligious encounter passport. This exercise is then tested in classrooms. Using questionnaires students were asked about learning characteristics regarding ‘the inside’ and ‘the foreign’ perspective in communication in the development of the passport, in a dialogue and a plenary discussion. Higher thinking skills were used to describe the learning strategies and to be able to establish the students’ perspective.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationREA Annual Meeting 2018 Proceedings
    Subtitle of host publicationBeyond white normativity. Creating brave spaces
    PublisherThe Religious Education Association
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


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