Anonieme teksten in een Ruusbroec-handschrift: (Averbode, archief IV 101, olim bibliotheek 101 F 3)

Rob Faesen*

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3 Citations (Scopus)


One of the manuscripts which contains the works of Ruusbroec, MS e (Averbode, Archief IV 101), contains a few anonymous texts. The most interesting is the text on FF. 116rb-119rb, where a short but very precise explanation is given of Ruusbroec's doctrine on 'unity without difference' and on the unity of the Persons in the divine nature. The author refers to objections to Ruusbroec's texts which are similar to those of Jean Gerson. Nevertheless, they do not completely coincide with the debate between the Parisian chancellor and the disciples of Ruusbroec. The anonymous author appears to be very familiar with Ruusbroec's works. In his elucidation of the 'unity without difference', he explains that Ruusbroec is not speaking of an ontological fusion of God and man, but of a life-communion with Christ, which implies a radical openness to the divine Other in the core of the human person.

Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)197-210
Number of pages14
JournalOns Geestelijk Erf
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2000

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