Auctions with Options to Re-auction

S. Grant, A. Kajii, F. Menezes, M. Ryan

Research output: Working paperDiscussion paperOther research output

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We examine the role of seller bidding and reserve prices in an infinitely repeated independent-private-value (IPV) ascending-price auction.The seller has a single object that she values at zero.At the end of any auction round, she may either sell to the highest bidder or pass-in the object and hold a new auction next period.New bidders are drawn randomly in each round.The ability to re-auction motivates a notion of reserve price as the option value of retaining the object for re-auctioning.Even in the absence of a mechanism with which to commit to a reserve price, the optimal secret reserve is shown to exceed zero. However, despite the infinite repetition, there may be significant value to the seller from a binding reserve price commitment: the optimal binding reserve is higher than the optimal "secret" reserve, and may be substantially so, even with very patient players.Furthermore, reserve price commitments may even be socially preferable at high discount factors.We also show that the optimal phantom bidding strategy for the seller is revenue-equivalent to a commitment to an optimal public reserve price.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationTilburg
Number of pages41
Publication statusPublished - 2002

Publication series

NameCentER Discussion Paper


  • auctions
  • bidding
  • internet


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