Catholic social thought on citizenship: No place for exclusion

R.A.J. Steenvoorde, E.M.H. Hirsch Ballin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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The effects of globalisation have made us aware that our traditional concepts of citizenship are barely adequate ro cover the still growing gap between the included and the excluded, the rich and the poor. We will look at the process of social in- and exclusion because citizenship and exclusion are two sides of the same coin. Catholic Social Thinking (CST) is based on the recognition of intermediate associations, and is therefore less troubled by the notions of 'the declining nation state' or 'globalisation'. Thinking in terms of intermediate associations might prove a fruitful way forward in the discussion on citizenship and exclusion in the new century. The important question is whether solidarity can be achieved in an interdependent but in many respects imbalanced world. One of the main issues in CST is solidarity. CST has developed a concept of solidraity that goes beyond the traditional boundaries of respect for the indvidual and the obligations of society. This reciprocal understanding of solidraity allows citizens to participate in different societal forms of co-operation,but also requires them to take action across borders between states and associations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIn quest of humanity in a globalising world
Subtitle of host publicationDutch contributions to the Jubilee of universities in Rome 2000
EditorsW. Derkse, J. van der Lans, S. Waanders
Place of PublicationBest
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 2000


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