Characteristics of global dialysis data from multiple providers in the new MONitoring Dialysis Outcomes (MONDO) dataset

Vladimir Rigodon*, Murilo Guedes, Sophanny Tiv, Vincent Peters, Jiao Yue, Anke Winter, Melanie Wolf, Kaitlyn Croft, Paola Carioni, Sheetal Chaudhuri, Marco Rancati, Maria Diaz Bessone, Xiaoling Ye, John Larkin, Milind Nikam, Edwin Toffelmire, Constantijn Konings, Stefano Stuard, Adrian Guinsburg, Jeffrey HymesRoberto Pecoits-Filho, Thyago Proença de Moraes, Rasha Hussein, Marcello Tonelli, Peter Kotanko

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Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractScientificpeer-review


The MONitoring Dialysis Outcomes (MONDO) initiative is an academia-industry collaboration whereby providers can contribute data to an anonymized dataset used for joint research purposes. We present the characteristics of 20 years of longitudinal patient data contributed to the new MONDO dataset, which is now the most robust global dialysis dataset in the world.

Data from Jan 2000-Dec 2019 on 382 fields was captured longitudinally on a per patient per observation level (e.g., each lab, treatment, value) with a universal data structure. Detailed distribution statistics were used for re-identification risk assessment and confirmed the anonymization logic for providers to apply and provide acceptably low risk, consistent with international data privacy standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). Final datasets were consolidated and hosted by the Renal Research Institute.

Nine providers from 41 countries across six continents contributed to MONDO (289,715 patients across 20 years). Hemodialysis was the most used modality globally (Table 1). In Europe, Middle East & Africa, 63.2% of patients used hemodiafiltration (HDF) for ≥1 treatment. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) was used in 20% of patients in Latin America (LA) (20%) and 15% in North America (NA), yet ambulatory PD was more frequent in LA, while cycling PD was more frequent in NA. 11% of patients received a transplant. 42.5% died or stopped dialysis with some regional variability.

MONDO developed a new global research dataset to study dialysis outcomes, pathophysiology, and risk prediction. MONDO is open to collaboration and contributions without geographic restrictions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventAmerican Society of Nephrology: Kidney week - United States, Philadelphia
Duration: 2 Nov 20235 Nov 2023


ConferenceAmerican Society of Nephrology
Internet address


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