Cloud accountability: The likely impact of the proposed EU Data Protection Regulation

W.Kuan Hon, E. Kosta, Christopher Millard, D. Stefanatou

Research output: Working paperOther research output


This Working Paper considers the implications for cloud accountability of current proposals under the draft General Data Protection Regulation to modernise the EU Data Protection Directive. It makes recommendations aimed at improving the technology-neutrality of the proposals and their appropriateness for cloud computing, with a view to ensuring that the proposals will maintain or enhance protection of personal data for data subjects while not unduly deterring cloud computing.

It is based on documents publicly available as at 14 February 2014, and analyses and compares the European Commission's January 2012 draft, the LIBE Committee's November 2013 draft (since approved unamended by the full European Parliament in March 2014), and the first full draft of the Council published in December 2013.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages61
Publication statusPublished - 8 Mar 2014


  • cloud computing, data protection, data protection regulation, accountability, cloud accountability, EU, law reform, privacy


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