Coaching based on signature strengths or lesser strengths? The effects of two strengths spotting interventions on managerial coaching behavior

V. Tobias*, M. van Woerkom, C. Meyers, R. Bauwens

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Managers are increasingly expected to coach their employees. However, managers are often ill equipped and lack the necessary support from their organization to effectively implement coaching behavior. Based on strengths theory, we propose that a strengths spotting intervention could help managers to develop their coaching behavior. In addition, based on theory on emotional contagion and the broaden and build theory, we argue that spotting employees’ signature strengths leads to a stronger increase in managerial coaching behavior over time than an intervention that focuses on spotting lesser strengths. We conducted a field experiment, in which 255 managers (providing 414 data points) were randomly assigned to either a signature strengths or a lesser strengths spotting intervention. In a 1-month follow-up study we found that both interventions contributed equally to managerial coaching behavior. We conclude that online training in strengths spotting is a useful tool that helps managers to develop their coaching behavior.
Original languageEnglish
Article number54
Number of pages24
JournalJournal of Happiness Studies
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Coaching
  • Intervention
  • Managers
  • Strengths spotting


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