Combining rule-based and machine learning methods for efficient information extraction from enforcement decisions

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


This paper presents an effective and efficient approach for automatic extraction of key features from enforcement decisions, such as their legal basis and their legal effect, by strategically applying a Large Language Model (LLM) on top of rule-based methods. Initially, rule-based methods identify candidate sentences within these decisions containing these features, after which these sentences are analyzed by GPT-3.5 to extract the features. This approach is efficient as it reduces the input and number of resources needed for effective and context aware information extraction. Furthermore, other features that have not been subject to a rule-based selection first can be extracted by an LLM from the same set of candidate sentences when they exist in close proximity of each other.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationJURIX 2024
Subtitle of host publicationThe thirty-seventh annual conference, Brno, Czech Republic, 11-13 December 2024
EditorsJaromir Savelka, Jakub Harasta, Tereza Novotna, Jakub Misek
PublisherIOS Press
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9781643685625
Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2024
Event37th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems​ - Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Duration: 11 Dec 202413 Dec 2024

Publication series

NameFrontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications


Conference37th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems​
Country/TerritoryCzech Republic
Internet address


  • information extraction
  • enforcement decisions
  • rule-based methods
  • machine learning methods
  • large language model
  • text segmentation


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