title = "Communicating maritime spatial planning: The MSP challenge approach",
abstract = "The MSP Challenge uses game technology and role-play to support communication and learning for Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning. Since 2011, a role-playing game, a board game and a digital interactive simulation platform have been developed. The MSP Challenge editions have been used in workshops, conferences, education, as well as for real life stakeholder engagement. The authors give an overview of the development of the MSP Challenge and reflect on the value of the approach as an engaging and {\textquoteleft}fun{\textquoteright} tool for building mutual understanding and communicating MSP.",
keywords = "marine spatial planning, maritime spatial planning, simulation gaming, serious gaming, stakeholder learning, stakeholder communication, stakeholder engagement",
author = "L Abspoel and IS Mayer and X Keijser and HJG Warmelink and R Fairgrieve and M Ripken and A Abramic and A Kannen and R Cormier and S Kidd",
note = "Funding Information: The original idea of the MSP Challenge is by Lodewijk Abspoel, Igor Mayer and Xander Keijser. Numerous persons and organisations have contributed to the various versions and editions. We can only acknowledge few: Linda van Veen, Bas van Nuland and Qiqi Zhou, for the MSP Challenge original and board game; The Cradle R&D team at Breda University of Applied Sciences under the supervision of Carlos Santos for the development of the simulation platform: Wilco Boode, Kevin Hutchinson, Magali Gon?alves, Phil de Groot, Joey Relouw, Martin Walker; Jeroen Steenbeek from the Ecopath International Initiative; Giovanni Romagnoni from the University of Oslo; Francesco Musco, Federica Appiotti, Paloma Lucena Moya, Geoff Coughlan for sessions with their students in Italy, Finland and Canada; All project partners in the three projects that have supported the development of the simulation platform and stakeholder sessions: the EU Interreg NorthSEE and Baltic LINes projects and the EMFF-funded SIMCelt initiative, in particular the Scottish Government and the Scottish Coastal Forum; Gesine Meissner, Chair of the European Parliament Intergroup SEARICA for allowing us to use the name RICA SEA for the MSP Challenge board game. More information on the MSP Challenge can be found on the website www.mspchallenge.info.",
year = "2021",
doi = "10.1016/j.marpol.2019.02.057",
language = "English",
volume = "132",
journal = "Marine Policy",
issn = "0308-597X",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd.",