Creatinine clearance predicts longitudinal phosphate levels irrespective of achieved area Kt/V: A peritoneal dialysis-MONDO analysis

Murilo Henrique Guedes, Maria Diaz Bessone, Chan Lili, Andres de la Torre Quiroga, Ariella Mermelstein, Guillermo Garcia-Garcia, Vincent Peters, Constantijn Konings, Adrian Guinsburg, Thyago Proença de Moraes, Peter Kotanko, Jochen Raimann, Jaime Uribarri

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractScientificpeer-review


Serum phosphate (PO4) is associated with worse outcomes among kidney failure patients, and its dialysis clearance is not well predicted by small solute kinetics. Guidelines in peritoneal dialysis (PD) recommend using urea Kt/V over creatinine clearance (CrCl) to monitor dialysis adequacy. We hypothesize that this recommendation may lead to suboptimal PO4 control. We designed this study to evaluate if CrCl predicts longitudinal PO4 irrespective of achieved Kt/V.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventAmerican Society of Nephrology: Kidney week - United States, Philadelphia
Duration: 2 Nov 20235 Nov 2023


ConferenceAmerican Society of Nephrology
Internet address


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