Cultural tourism in Europe

    Research output: Book/ReportBookScientific

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    The cultural heritage of Europe is one of the oldest and most important generators of tourism and it retains its central role in the European tourism industry to this day. In 1990 the European Commission designated cultural tourism as a key area of tourism development in Europe. Yet at that time few comparative data existed on European cultural tourism. This led to the European Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS) undertaking a transnational study of European cultural tourism.

    This book draws on the data collected by the ATLAS Cultural Tourism Project and combines data presentation and analysis with more reflective discussions on the nature of cultural tourism in different areas of Europe. The first five chapters address general themes are followed by 11 chapters on individual countries from the European Union. Overall, the book is of practical as well as academic value and makes a highly original contribution to the tourism literature for advanced students and research workers, as well as professionals in the tourism industry.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationWallingford, Oxfordshire, UK
    Number of pages360
    ISBN (Print)978-0851991047
    Publication statusPublished - 1996

    Publication series

    NameVF P2-02


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