Das Tabu der Zielorientierung durchbrechen: Mit professioneller Intuition im Krankenhaus auf der Suche nach der Seele

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientific


Gradually the Dutch Case Studies Project in Chaplaincy Care participants from the research community hospital discover that they work more goal-oriented than they had always claimed. They focus on existential themes and are guided by theoretical perspectives that they have internalized during their training and through practical experience. These are about tacit knowledge of which they become more aware, which they can correct or supplement if necessary, and which they can then use more effectively. The goals have to do with meaning and world view.
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)368-381
Number of pages14
JournalWege zum Menschen
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • casestudy
  • geestelijke verzorging
  • ziekenhuis
  • bewustzijn
  • tacit knowing
  • doelgerichtheid
  • zingeving
  • levensbeschouwing

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