De wereld in de regio: Lezing van prof. dr. Ernst Hirsch Ballin, hoogleraar Nederlands en Europees constitutioneel recht, ter gelegenheid van de Opening van het Academisch Jaar op 1 september 2014

Translated title of the contribution: The world in the region: Lecture by Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Professor of Dutch and European constitutional law, delivered on occasion of the opening of the Academic Year at Tilburg University on September 1, 2014

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperOther research output

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    Translated title of the contributionThe world in the region: Lecture by Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Professor of Dutch and European constitutional law, delivered on occasion of the opening of the Academic Year at Tilburg University on September 1, 2014
    Original languageDutch
    Number of pages47
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2014
    EventOpening of the Academic Year at Tilburg University - Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands
    Duration: 1 Sept 2014 → …


    OtherOpening of the Academic Year at Tilburg University
    Period1/09/14 → …

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