„Dem Volk auf`s Maul schauen“: Heterogenität und Solidarität als wichtige Navigationskoordinaten des „synodalen Weges“

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    The German “MHG-report“ has shown the incredible facts and the great extent
    of sexual violence, perpetrated by clerics in Germany since 1945. Due to this report, the German Bishops’ Conference and Central Committee of German Catholics initiated the so called “Synodaler Weg“, which just before its beginning is confronted with different expectations and issues. This article intends to do an analysis of those differences and tries to convey them by referring to the “Theology of Synodality”, developed by Pope Francis in 2015. By doing so the following issues arise: Which concept of participation implies the German process? Which role do survivors of sexual abuse play during these consultations? This leeds totthe question whether the intended process will be the sufficient answer to all those and other massive problems of today’s Catholic Church.
    Original languageGerman
    Pages (from-to)39-50
    Number of pages12
    JournalZeitschrift für Pastoraltheologie
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Dec 2019

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