Do confident individuals generally work harder?

E.S. Pikulina, Luc Renneboog, P.N. Tobler

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Predicting worker's effort is important in many different areas, but is often difficult. Using a laboratory experiment, we test the hypothesis that confidence, i.e. person-specific beliefs about her abilities, can be used as a generic proxy to predict effort provision. We measure confidence in the domain of financial knowledge in three different ways (self-assessed knowledge, probability-based confidence, and incentive-compatible confidence) and find a positive relation with the actual provision of effort in an unrelated domain. Additional analysis shows that the findings are independent of personal traits such as gender, age, and nationality.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-60
JournalJournal of Multinational Financial Management
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2018


  • confidence
  • real-effort task
  • financial literacy
  • overconfidence


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