title = "Dynamic Tax Depreciation Strategies",
abstract = "The tax depreciation decision potentially has significant impact on the prof- itability of firms and projects. Indeed, the depreciation method chosen for tax purposes affects the timing of tax payments, and, as a consequence, it also affects the after-tax net present value of investment projects. Previous research focusses on the optimal choice of depreciation method under the assumption that the de- preciation method has to be set ex ante and cannot be changed during the useful life of the asset. In reality however, changes are allowed under certain circum- stances. This paper develops a dynamic programming approach to determine the firm{\textquoteright}s optimal choice with regard to the initial depreciation method, and whether changes of method are proposed in later periods.",
keywords = "Tax depreciation, Net Present Value, Dynamic Programming",
author = "{De Waegenaere}, A.M.B. and J.L. Wielhouwer",
note = "Subsequently published in OR Spectrum (2011) Pagination: 29",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
volume = "2008-87",
series = "CentER Discussion Paper",
publisher = "Accounting",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "Accounting",