Ecolabels information and consumer self-confidence in decision making: a strategic imperative

Clare D’Souza, Mehdi Taghian, Anne Renée Brouwer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


The effectiveness of ecolabels influencing consumers’ intention to purchase green products in the area of consumer self-confidence in decision making remains limited. It raises the question whether consumer’s self-confidence on green/ecolabels mediates purchase intent. These insights influence how marketers can position ecolabel information as a communication-strategy to influence purchase intent. A survey questionnaire was designed and investigated 202 responses. It uses structural equation modelling (SEM) (AMOS) to estimate the associations hypothesised and to analyse the data.This research makes the following contribution, first this research is unique as it explicitly examines and validates measures for consumer self-confidence in ecolabels based on the scales developed by authors drawn from the literature. Second, it informs the theoretical foundation for future marketing studies related to consumer self-confidence, green purchase intent and ecolabel information. Lastly, the findings show strong evidence that ecolabel information can provide information which is a necessary step for consumers making informed choices.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)141-157
JournalJournal of Strategic Marketing
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • ecolabel information
  • consumer self-confidence
  • purchase intent
  • green products
  • labelling strategies


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