European perspectives on the learning organisation

B. Nyhan, P. Cressey, M. Tomassini, M. Kelleher, R.F. Poell

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This paper, based on a publication entitled ‘Facing up to the learning organisation challenge’ published in April 2003, provides an overview of the main questions emerging from recent European research projects related to the topic of the learning organisation. The rationale for focusing on this topic is the belief that the European Union goals related to ‘lifelong learning’ and the creation of a ‘knowledge-based society’ can only be attained if the organisations in
which people work are also organisations in which they learn. Work organisations must become, at the same time, learning organisations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)67-92
JournalJournal of European Industrial Training
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2004


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