Factors affecting resident support for a hallmark cultural event: The 2018 European capital of culture in Valletta, Malta

Tessa van der Steen, Greg Richards*

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Hallmark events have a great impact on a host community, and local support for such events is vital. Previous research has mainly focussed on resident attitudes towards sport events rather than cultural hallmark events. This paper analyses the 2018 European Capital of Culture (ECOC) in Valletta, Malta, to understand resident’s attitudes towards a cultural event. A resident survey a few months prior to the event generated 267 responses. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis reveals that resident support for the ECOC was influenced by levels of perceived benefits and perceived costs, in line with social exchange theory. Perceptions of benefits and costs were related to levels of community attachment, community concern, resource utilisation and European identity. Levels of community involvement and identification with European culture are particularly important in generating support for the event, in line with the European Commission’s stated aims for the event.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)107-123
JournalJournal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure & Events
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • European Capital of Culture
  • Hallmark events
  • Malta
  • community support
  • social exchange theory


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