First things first: An exploration of the effects of psychoeducation for older autistic adults

M. Lenders, M.A. Ouwens, R.M.H.J. Wilting, A.C. Videler*

*Corresponding author for this work

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After receiving an autism diagnosis, psychoeducation (i.e. information regarding autism) is a first intervention. We adjusted a psychoeducation program that was originally developed by the Dutch Association for Autism for older adults to enhance its feasibility and efficacy in later life. We expected that participants would report an increase in knowledge and acceptance of the diagnosis and that people close to them would also observe this. Indeed, we found this and participants and those close to them agreed on this. Furthermore, we found some evidence that older autistic adults were better at coping with their autism. We found no positive intervention effects on psychological distress. The feedback of participants and informants about the psychoeducation program was largely positive. In future research, we advise using larger group samples and larger time scales and we also advise to further adjust the program to the needs and requirements of older adults, and to help older autistic adults to construct a new narrative of themselves, and the life they have lived, in the light of the recent autism diagnosis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2028-2039
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • autism spectrum disorder
  • interventions
  • psychosocial/behavioral
  • older adults
  • psychoeducation


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