From child pornography offending to child sexual abuse: A review of child pornography offender characteristics and risks for cross-over

J.A.B.M. Houtepen, J.J. Sijtsema, S. Bogaerts

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

36 Citations (Scopus)


In this review, concrete directions are provided for individual risk assessment, treatment planning, and future research on child pornography offending. First, based on reviewing offender characteristics, including demographics, socio-affective difficulties, cognitive distortions and psychosexual issues, it is concluded that despite individual differences, many child pornography offenders have psychological difficulties in multiple areas of functioning. Based on earlier child pornography offender typologies, it is proposed that risk factors of individual offenders can be viewed along the lines of two continua: (1) features related to criminal behavior, and (2) sexual deviance/fantasy. These continua not only give insight into psychological differences between offender types, but also allow for variation in the severity of psychological difficulties within offender types and therefore may enhance individual risk assessment and treatment planning. Moreover, risk factors for cross-over are discussed, including individual characteristics, factors related to engagement with the internet, and the offline environment. Future research should focus on the integration of risk domains within particular offending types. Specifically, research is needed on non-offending pedophiles in order to gain more insight into the relationship between pedophilia and child pornography offending in general.
Keywords: Child pornography offending, Offender characteristics, Offender typology, Antisocial behavior, Pedophilia, Risk for cross-over
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)466-473
JournalAggression and Violent Behavior
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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