General resilience to cope with extreme events

S.R. Carpenter, K.J. Arrow, S. Barrett, R. Biggs, W.A. Brock, A.S. Crépin, G. Engström, C. Folke, T.P. Hughes, N. Kautsky, C.Z. Li, G. McCarney, K. Meng, K-G. Mäler, S. Polasky, M. Scheffer, J.F. Shogren, T. Sterner, J.R. Vincent, B. WalkerA. Xepapadeas, A.J. de Zeeuw

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

288 Citations (Scopus)


Resilience to specified kinds of disasters is an active area of research and practice. However, rare or unprecedented disturbances that are unusually intense or extensive require a more broad-spectrum type of resilience. General resilience is the capacity of social-ecological systems to adapt or transform in response to unfamiliar, unexpected and extreme shocks. Conditions that enable general resilience include diversity, modularity, openness, reserves, feedbacks, nestedness, monitoring, leadership, and trust. Processes for building general resilience are an emerging and crucially important area of research.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3248-3259
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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